We are so excited to introduce our new website!! www.gunsnot.com the REAL Gun Snot created in 2004 and now refined since the Shot Show of 2022. Accept no counterfeits. You spoke and we listened and changed the packaging and application methods and labels. We are looking for distributors and the field is wide open right now. We will limit distributors to a certain geographical location, with advertising support (Based upon minimum purchases per quarter).
Take a tour of our website – and give us a call as we can help you understand and maximize your performance for the weekend shooter to High capacity (300-1000 rounds a day) and our beta testers we owe a great ‘Ata boy’ for their work and results. They made the line better by miles.
Whether you are shooting for recreation or Olympic style to High Power, we have found a serious contender to do what you want it to do.
We will be re-doing all the videos, on the site now, in the coming month. Watching the current ones will give you the idea how to use it.
Kudos to Ward Media (St Augustine, FL) for animating the product line and building out the website. We feel that they did a GREAT job. Highly recommend them if you are looking for a 2A website.
Again – any questions, give us a call 866-772-5108
Thank you – the Gun Snot Team