Best Firearm Lubricant and Gun Lubricant for Long Lasting Performance
Gun Snot® products are one of the most comprehensive line of lubrication solutions to help you improve the long-term performance of your recreation equipment.
Gun Snot® is unique in that it is not a hydrocarbon that turns into carbon which gums up your rifle pistol whatever you’re using. If you clean it down to the base metal and apply gun snot your chances are not going to have to do that deep clean again which saves you money versus degreasing it every time you clean the next time.
Use Gun Snot® Lube For:

How To Lubricate & Protect Your Firearms With Gun Snot®

The Gun Snot®
Product Line
Gun Snot is an advanced lubricating and protection system that includes Seven Products. Gun Snot was created as an ultra-premium high performance lubricant by a Chemical Engineer with decades of experience working with high performance lubricants, (Gulfstream, NASA, Samsung, Texas Instruments, etc).

Gun Snot® Aerosol (GS-A)
An aerosol version of the GS-P that allows for a consistent and fine layer of lube to your firearm or precision device.
Uses: Easily applied lubrication for most weapons or precision devices

Gun Snot® Booger Buster (GS-BB)
Protects against “acid/salt hands” residue. Resists corrosion and oxidation. Use after cleaning equipment to protect exposed metal parts from oxidation including inside the barrel.
Uses: Protectant lubricant for firearms, bows, fishing reels, or other precision equipment.

Gun Snot® Liquid
Gun Snot® Liquid is similar to the paste and aerosol but has a corrosion and EP additive. It also helps dilute Gun Snot® Paste to the exact viscosity you need for an application to side rails and the trigger.
Uses: Easily applied lubrication for most weapons or precision devices.

Gun Snot® Paste (GS-P)
“The Original” Gun Snot we first designed for the Olympic shooters. It’s a Pure Paste: contains no thickeners or solvents. It’s fluorinated and a branch off the Teflon® tree.
Uses: Use on any surface that slides, rolls, or rubs.

Gun Snot® Snot Rag
Use and re-use these wipes that are pre-lubed with Booger Buster® to apply protectant where you want.
Uses: works great for triggers.

Gun Snot® Trigger Digger Applicators (GS-TDA)
“The Original” Gun Snot we first designed for the Olympic shooters. It’s a Pure Paste: contains no thickeners or solvents. It’s fluorinated and a branch off the Teflon® tree.
Uses: Use on any surface that slides, rolls, or rubs.

Our Story
The idea for Gun Snot originated over dinner with two top US Rifle Olympians in 2004. We asked the simple question: “How can we help the US Olympic Shooting athletes with their Olympic pursuits?” A need was identified for an ultra-premium high performance lubricant product that would meet certain requirements. They did not know that we had dealt with the best of the best in aerospace and military. Bingo!
First, there was a need for a lubricant that would allow the smoothest of trigger pulls, and consistent precise action in already highly precise Olympic-style rifles.